
sneaky bunny said:
show me where i "spammed" your thread

First of all, I didn't say "STOP SPAMMING MY THREAD YOU BITCH!" Or at least that's not how I meant it to sound. Second of all, you weren't the major offender, just someone who picked up where the first spammer left off, so I wasn't really that upset with you personally. (It just seems a bit hypocritical for someone who whined about my 'vote farming' in DT2 to blather about pumpkin pie in what was meant to be a serious thread in DT1 about Christmas.) I was just hinting that I might've touched on something you said (namely the origin of Christmas in co-opted pagan festivals) in my thread, and that you might have something good to add there if you took the time to read it all the way through.


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