
r3x29yz4a said:

sneaky bunny said:
who pays attention to airport decor?

christmas puh, its all stolen from paganism anyhow.

the Romans put Christmas at that point in December to have it coincide with Winter Soltace (sp).
Christmas trees can be traced to Pagans in Germany and Rome B.C. A basic Pagan celebration of nature.
Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas who was a wealthy Bishop that gave his money to the needy.

I touched on some of that in my DT1 thread, so I won't need to back up or elaborate on any of your post in this one. The borrowing of some pagan rituals to help include the pagans and show some respect to their culture (believe it or not the Roman Catholic Church actually did that once upon a time) doesn't make the birth of Christ irrelevant to the holiday. Yes, we know the Church borrowed from pagan rituals, no, we don't know the exact day of the year Jesus was born (and there's still occasional debate over the exact year), and yes, it's still okay to observe the birth of Jesus on that day.


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