...early Friday morning.

I know everybody kids me about being the "old man" of the board and I enjoy this role immensely but the downside of it is that I'm at that age where my loved ones begin to pass away around me. My Father will be gone three years next month, my Brother just this past November, and now my Mother. I can't imagine a world without her in it yet. I was extrememly concerned that she wasn't going to survive this hospital stay. She was up and down in her battle and had actually been sent to rehab for a few days when she took another downturn and was sent back to the hospital. My Sister called me early Thursday morning and when I got there that day they had just hooked her up to a ventilator and her kidney functions were beginning to rapidly deteriate. My other Sister was with me and Mom couldn't speak but she wanted to tell us something and wanted to hold our hands. Sadly our visiting time was limited and we thought we were doing her more harm than good by being there. I think she already knew she was dying then and wanted to keep loved ones close by. My wife and I went to work that night planning on visiting her the next day. About three a.m. we got a message from my Brother...Mom had passed away. The family had left about 11:30 p.m. and Mom left us sometime before 2:00 a.m. I rushed to the hospital with my wife and we got to say good bye before she was taken away. She looked so peaceful, almost happy that all of the wires and tubes had been taken away. I kissed her several times on her forehead and contiuously rubbed her shoulder and said my goodbyes. God rest her soul and may heaven have a bingo hall where she can win all of the time.

-----once over and twice twisted---------