My condolences to Theory9. Your Father raised a most special son. God rest his soul.

Thanks to everybody for their condolences and thank you for the link McGurk...a thread worth saving and sharing with anybody going through the loss of a loved one.

We buried Mom today. She looked so peaceful and she actually looked about 15 years younger. Two of my cousins helped my wife with the floral arrangements, as they had with my Brother's funeral, and they outdid themselves once again with their work. (My Mother and quite a few of her relatives all used to work at a floral business.) My Mother's name was Violet and a stream of violents was draped around her casket. White roses tinted w/ purple aerosol paint made the spray that draped the lower half of the casket. Five or six other arrangements were made by them as well plus those that had been sent by others.

My wife read the eulogy which everybody complemented her on. She captured the spirit of my Mother so exactly and concisely there was nary a dry eye in the gathering. I truly count my blessings for having married such a fine woman. She broke down herself after giving the eulogy. Her love for my Mother was so evident and overwelming it was all I could do to give her some small comfort.

Most amazing of all...everybody got along. After we left the cemetary the wake was at my home and I was expecting everyone with previous hurt feelings to be staunch and put-off, but everybody behaved like a mourning family should. Certainly a tribute to my Mother that I pray we all adopt into our lives until our own eventual departing. I'm sure Mom was smiling on all of us. Thanks to my family here at the RKMBs for all of their support. Every word meant so much to me. I wish I could spare everyone here any similar pain but knowing that is impossible I can only hope that I can offer words of comfort when you may have need of them. God bless all of you.

Last edited by LLance; 2005-01-19 12:42 AM.

-----once over and twice twisted---------