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G-man I could post articles about Christians committing violence to claim its the way the whole religion is.
I could post how black people commit crimes so therefore all black people are evil.
I could post about a woman who lies thus proving all women lie.

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r3x29yz4a said:


the G-man said:
Somali cleric calls for pope's death

    A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia's powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.

    Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah in a speech that he said was as offensive as author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.

    "We urge you Muslims wherever you are to hunt down the Pope for his barbaric statements as you have pursued Salman Rushdie, the enemy of Allah who offended our religion," he said in Friday evening prayers.

    "Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim," Malin, a prominent cleric in the Somali capital, told worshippers at a mosque in southern Mogadishu.

    "We call on all Islamic Communities across the world to take revenge on the baseless critic called the pope," he said.

    Reached by telephone on Saturday, Malin confirmed making the remarks that were echoed in less strident form by other senior clerics in the Supreme Islamic Council of Somalia (SICS).

Nun killed after Pope's speech

    An elderly Italian nun who devoted her life to helping the sick in Africa was shot dead by two gunmen at a hospital Sunday in an attack possibly linked to worldwide Muslim anger toward Pope Benedict XVI and his recent comments on Islam.

    Sister Leonella, 65, was shot in the back four times by pistol-wielding attackers as she left the Austrian-run S.O.S. hospital. Her bodyguard was also slain.

    There was no claim of responsibility for the attack, which came just hours after a leading Somali cleric condemned the pope's remarks last week on Islam and violence.

Pope's apology fails to placate Muslims as violence goes on

    Two churches in the West Bank were set on fire, following five incidents in the West Bank and Gaza on Saturday, when five churches were firebombed and fired at.

    In some quarters, there were signs the Pope's remarks in Castelgandolfo were enough to draw a line under the affair. The second most senior leader of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said he accepted the clarification.

    But, elsewhere, firebrand Islamic preachers continued to milk the crisis for all it was worth. In the holy city of Qom, in Iran, a hardline cleric, Ahmad Khatami, told hundreds of demonstrators that the Pope and President Bush were "united in order to repeat the Crusades".

    "If the Pope does not apologise, Muslims' anger will continue until he becomes remorseful," he went on. "He should go to clerics and sit and learn about Islam."

    Protests were also reported in India and Turkey.

Canada Free Press

    In response to the Pope's suggestion that Islam might not be a peaceful religion, as if that's a news flash, Muslims murder an elderly Italian nun at the Children's Hospital in Somalia by shooting her in the back three times. They attack Christians and their churches, burn American flags and western leaders in effigy, all to prove just how peaceful and civilized they really are.

its tragic that these few crazy radicals are able to damage the entire religion's reputation.

Yeah, because there's such a small minority of Muslims who believe in Jihad, suicide bombings, and murder in the name of Islam.

I'm not saying there aren't some peaceful Muslims out there. But watching the daily killings on the news, in pretty much every country Muslims immigrate to, from the Phillipines to Indonesia to Afghanistan to Chechnya to Iraq to Sudan to Algeria to France to Denmark to the Netherlands to Pakistan, etc., it's pretty clear to me that there there isn't much "peaceful Islam" to misrepresent.

Islam, at its root, is violent. The deviation is peaceful Islam.

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    Muslim terrorists proved Pope Benedict XVI's point yesterday - vowing to fight Christianity and spill blood until Islam conquers the world.

    "You infidels and despots, we will continue our jihad and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism when God's rule is established governing all people and nations," warned an umbrella group of extremists led by al Qaeda in Iraq.

    Another Iraqi terrorist group, Ansar al-Sunna, challenged "sleeping Muslims" to prove their manhood by doing something other than "issuing statements or holding demonstrations." It called the pope "the stupid pig . . . prancing with his blasphemies in his house.

    "Let him wait for the day coming soon when the armies of the religion of right knock on the walls of Rome," the group said in a Web statement.

    In London, Anjem Choudary, a militant Muslim lawyer, said during a protest outside Westminster Cathedral that those who insulted Islam should be killed.

    In Iraq's southern city of Basra, up to 150 demonstrators chanted slogans and burned a white effigy of the pope.

    In Egypt, a parliamentary committee called for the expulsion of the Vatican envoy if the pope did not apologize more forcefully.

    In Jakarta, Indonesia, more than 100 people rallied in front of the heavily guarded Vatican Embassy waving banners that said the "pope is building religion on hatred."

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Beardguy57 said:
.. the terrorists are like one huge dysfunctional family... they can't even see how hypocritical and flawed their logic is.

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Berlin Opera Cancels Mozart Show Featuring Severed Muhammad Head

    A leading opera house canceled a 3-year-old production of Mozart's "Idomeneo" that included a scene showing the severed head of the Prophet Muhammad, unleashing a furious debate over free speech.

    In a statement late Monday, the Deutsche Oper said it decided "with great regret" to cancel the production after Berlin security officials warned of an "incalculable risk" because of the scene.

    After its premiere in 2003, the production by Hans Neuenfels drew widespread criticism over the scene in which King Idomeneo presents the severed heads not only of the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon, but also of Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha. The disputed scene is not part of Mozart's original staging of the 225-year-old opera, but was an addition of Neuenfels' production, which was last performed by the company in March 2004.

    "We know the consequences of the conflict over the (Muhammad) caricatures," Deutsche Oper said its statement announcing the decision. "We believe that needs to be taken very seriously and hope for your support."

    On Tuesday, Deutsche Oper director Kirsten Harms said security officials had recommended, but not ordered, that she either cut the scene or pull the entire production from the 2006-2007 lineup.

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muslims have decided to kill until they take over the world. isn't that how christianity 'took over' the world? (the quotes are because christianity isn't the religion with the largest following) The crusades come to mind

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Muslims as a whole don't want to conquer the world.
Jews do not have a secret banking conspiracy, they just happened to own some banks when pissy Russians wrote the Protocols.
Jihad doesn't mean "holy war," its a very varied phrase with many meanings.
Jesus was not a white man with an english face and blue eyes.
Jesus was a Jew.
Muslims and Jews actually believe in Jesus, just not his divinity.
99% of the world just wants to live their lives in peace, its the crazy and powerhungry 1% that fuck it up and manipulate the rest into fighting.
G-man's poolboy doesn't "service" the pool.

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Ariel AKA Warp said:
muslims have decided to kill until they take over the world. isn't that how christianity 'took over' the world? (the quotes are because christianity isn't the religion with the largest following) The crusades come to mind

The Crusades had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with territory whores. The only people who may have brought religious friction into the fray were the soldiers. And they certainly weren't the ones who laid out the reasons to go to war. They just fought it.


r3x29yz4a said:
Muslims as a whole don't want to conquer the world.

Then why exactly are they trying to force their culture on the parts of the world that they've decided to migrate to (see also: France, see also: Australia, see also: London)?


Jihad doesn't mean "holy war," its a very varied phrase with many meanings.

"Jihad" means "struggle." Which is synonymous with "Holy War." It was first concieved when the Muslim higher ups knew they would have to go to war and used it as a catchphrase (for the lack of a better word).


Jesus was not a white man with an english face and blue eyes. Jesus was a Jew.

It's typical that you'd try to make race an issue.


Muslims and Jews actually believe in Jesus, just not his divinity.

The Muslims believe Christ is a prophet. So He's not lacking divinity in their eyes. You're somewhat correct regarding the Jews: They believe that Christ was holy and wise, but not that he was God.

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r3x29yz4a said:
Muslims as a whole don't want to conquer the world.
Jews do not have a secret banking conspiracy, they just happened to own some banks when pissy Russians wrote the Protocols.
Jihad doesn't mean "holy war," its a very varied phrase with many meanings.
Jesus was not a white man with an english face and blue eyes.
Jesus was a Jew.
Muslims and Jews actually believe in Jesus, just not his divinity.
99% of the world just wants to live their lives in peace, its the crazy and powerhungry 1% that fuck it up and manipulate the rest into fighting.
G-man's poolboy doesn't "service" the pool.

You know, ray, this post is fairly typical of you. There are actually a few really good points in there, and they really make people think.

Then you don't stop while you're ahead and go and shoot yourself in the foot.

Maybe G-Man should keep abridging your posts - except keeping the good parts from now on.


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The interesting thing about Ray's posts is that he doesn't actually really dispute Islamic violence. Instead, he implicitly concedes it, but then tries to claim that an equal number of Christians and Jews are also violent.

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RoP Strikes Again in Thailand

    Suspected Islamic militants today shot dead four Buddhists in two separate attacks in Thailandā€™s mainly Muslim south, where an insurgency has raged for more than two years, police said.

    In one attack, two teenagers in Islamic studentsā€™ dress and riding a motorcycle, shot and killed three Buddhists in Yala, the capital of a province of the same name.

    ā€œThe militants exploited the fact that the men were shopping at a grocery store and could not defend themselves, even though they had a gun,ā€ police Colonel Somsak Wannawak said.

    Earlier a militant shot dead a Buddhist man in Pattani province while he was riding a bus, police said.

    More than 1400 people have died in the conflict in Thailandā€™s far south since early 2004. The violence has been blamed on Malay separatism, religious extremism and organised crime in the border region.

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the G-man said:
RoP Strikes Again in Thailand

    Suspected Islamic militants today shot dead four Buddhists in two separate attacks in Thailandā€™s mainly Muslim south, where an insurgency has raged for more than two years, police said.

    In one attack, two teenagers in Islamic studentsā€™ dress and riding a motorcycle, shot and killed three Buddhists in Yala, the capital of a province of the same name.

    ā€œThe militants exploited the fact that the men were shopping at a grocery store and could not defend themselves, even though they had a gun,ā€ police Colonel Somsak Wannawak said.

    Earlier a militant shot dead a Buddhist man in Pattani province while he was riding a bus, police said.

    More than 1400 people have died in the conflict in Thailandā€™s far south since early 2004. The violence has been blamed on Malay separatism, religious extremism and organised crime in the border region.

This is another geopolitical hot potato - and another geopolitical catch-22. Shouldn't somebody do something about this? What should be done? Who should do it?


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Teacher in Hiding After Attack on Islam Stirs Threats

PARIS, Sept. 29 ā€” A French high school philosophy teacher and author who carried out a scathing attack against the Prophet Muhammad and Islam in a newspaper commentary says he has gone into hiding under police protection after receiving a series of death threats, including one disseminated on an online radical Islamist forum.

The teacher, Robert Redeker, 52, wrote in the center-right daily Le Figaro 10 days ago that Muhammad was ā€œa merciless warlord, a looter, a mass-murderer of Jews and a polygamist,ā€ and called the Koran ā€œa book of incredible violence.ā€

The Redeker case is the latest manifestation in Europe of a mounting ideological battle that pits those who believe Islam and the Prophet Muhammad can be criticized in the name of free speech against those in the Muslim community who believe no criticism can be tolerated.

A recent speech by Pope Benedict XVI that seemed to link Islam and violence caused such an uproar in the Muslim world that the pope issued a rare expression of regret.

The pope expressed regret for the reaction to his remarks after Muslims demonstrated against him around the world. Just this week, a Berlin opera house decided to cancel performances of the Mozart opera ā€œIdomeneoā€ because of security fears over a scene showing the severed head of the Prophet Muhammad. The decision prompted an outpouring of protest about what was seen as the surrender of artistic freedom.

In his commentary, Mr. Redeker compared Islam unfavorably to Christianity and Judaism, although he admitted that the history of the Catholic Church was ā€œfull of dark pages,ā€ and he criticized the hostile reaction to the popeā€™s remarks.

ā€œJesus is a master of love; Muhammad is a master of hatred,ā€ Mr. Redeker wrote, adding, ā€œWhereas Judaism and Christianity are religions whose rites forsake violence and remove its legitimacy, Islam is a religion that, in its very sacred text, as much as in some of its everyday rites, exalts violence and hatred. Hatred and violence dwell in the very book that educates any Muslim, the Koran.ā€

Immediately afterward, Mr. Redeker, who teaches in a public high school near Toulouse and is the author of several books on philosophy, began to receive death threats by telephone, e-mail and through the online Islamist Web site known as Al Hesbah, a password-protected forum with ties to Al Qaeda. The forum published photos of him and what it said was his home address, directions to his home and his cellphone number, according to the SITE Institute, which tracks violent Islamist groups.

That dayā€™s issue of Le Figaro was banned in Egypt and Tunisia. Mr. Redeker was denounced by a commentator on Al Jazeera television.

ā€œI canā€™t work, I canā€™t come and go and am obliged to hide,ā€ Mr. Redeker told Europe 1 radio in a telephone interview from an undisclosed location on Friday. ā€œSo in some way, the Islamists have succeeded in punishing me on the territory of the republic as if I were guilty of a crime of opinion.ā€

Mr. Redeker, who has kept in contact with news agencies by cellphone and e-mail, said that his wife and their children had also been threatened with death. He told Europe 1 that his wife was in hiding with him, but he was less clear about his three children, saying that one of them had been forced to move and that another was in a boarding school.

Asked to describe the sort of threats he had received, Mr. Redeker replied, ā€œYou will never feel secure on this earth. One billion, three hundred thousand Muslims are ready to kill you.ā€

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin on Friday called the threats ā€œunacceptable,ā€ adding: ā€œWe are in a democracy. Everyone has the right to express his views freely, while respecting others, of course.ā€

The Interior Ministry has confirmed that Mr. Redeker is under police surveillance, and that counterterrorism experts have begun a preliminary investigation into the threats, which the ministry has described as ā€œdangerous.ā€ Mr. Redeker complained in the radio interview that he had to arrange his own logistics and ā€œfind a place to sleep at night or live for a day or two.ā€

One of the threats came from a contributor to Al Hesbah, who wrote, ā€œIt is impossible that this day pass without the lions of France punishing him.ā€

The contributor called on his Muslim brethren in France to follow the lead of Muhammad Bouyeri, who murdered the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh after he made a film denouncing the plight of abused Muslim women.

ā€œMay God send some lion to cut his head,ā€ the contributor said of Mr. Redeker, whom he described as a ā€œpig.ā€

Mr. Redekerā€™s situation echoes that of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch politician who collaborated with Mr. van Gogh on the film and has been relentless in her criticism of some Islamic practices. The subject of numerous death threats from radical Islamists, she was put under the protection of bodyguards in the Netherlands in 2002, and currently has security protection in Washington, where she recently became a fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

In the Figaro commentary, Mr. Redeker wrote, ā€œIslam tries to dictate its rules to Europe: opening swimming pools at certain hours exclusively for women, forbidding the caricature of this religion, demanding a special diet for Muslim children in school cafeterias, fighting for wearing the veil in school, accusing free thinkers of Islamophobia.ā€

Mr. Redeker, who has written against Islam in the past, does not shy from controversy. At the time of the American-led invasion of Iraq, he criticized French pacifists, and he has written extensively about how watching sports competitions is worse than opium. His new book, ā€œDepression and Philosophy,ā€ is about to be published.

At first, Mr. Redeker did not speak out about the threats. In an e-mail message to The New York Times last Tuesday, he said it was not the right time to talk about his plight.

Then, in an interview with the local Toulouse newspaper, La DĆ©pĆŖche du Midi, published Thursday, Mr. Redeker described the death threats, adding, ā€œWhat is happening to me corresponds fully to what I denounce in my writing: the West is under ideological surveillance by Islam.ā€

That interview set off a public defense of Mr. Redeker in the name of free speech and condemnations of those who threaten him, which snowballed Friday after his radio interview with Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, the president of Europe 1, who is the host of a popular interview show.

Philippe de Villiers, a far-right politician, wrote President Jacques Chirac a letter on Friday asking that Mr. Redeker be given ā€œshelter ā€” as a symbol ā€” at the ƉlysĆ©e Palace, which is the palace of the republic, rather than let him wander,ā€ according to Agence France-Presse.

Le Figaro, in an unusual front-page open letter on Friday signed by the editor and the publisher, said, ā€œWe condemn with the greatest conviction the grave attacks on freedom of thought and freedom of expression which this affair has provoked.ā€

On Thursday, Education Minister Gilles de Robien was less forceful. He expressed ā€œsolidarityā€ with Mr. Redeker, but cautioned that a ā€œstate employee must show prudence and moderation in all circumstances.ā€

But two large teachersā€™ unions in separate statements on Friday threw their support behind Mr. Redekerā€™s right to speak freely, though one of them made clear, ā€œWe do not share his convictions.ā€

Mr. Redeker said that he had no second thoughts about what he wrote. ā€œNo regrets,ā€ he said in the radio interview. ā€œI have given a lot of thought in writing this text.ā€

From the New York Times, unfortunately you have to register at their site to read the articles.

However, this man is a genius, pure and simply. I really don't have anything against Islam, not at all. But he's absolutely right!

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One in 10 Indonesia Muslims back violent jihad

    Around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims support jihad and justify bomb attacks on Indonesiaā€™s tourist island of Bali as defending the faith, a survey released on Sunday showed.

    Indonesia is the worldā€™s fourth most populous country, with 220 million people, 85 percent of whom follow Islam, giving the Asian archipelago the largest Muslim population of any nation in the world.

    ā€œJihad that has been understood partially and practiced with violence is justified by around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims,ā€ the Indonesian Survey Institute said in a statement.

    ā€œThey approved the bombings conducted ... in Bali with the excuse of defending Islam,ā€ it added, saying the percentage of such support ā€œis very significant.ā€

One tenth of 85% of 220 million = 18.7 million Muslims who approve the terrorist murder of infidels IN ONE COUNTRY ALONE.

At what point can we stop pretending that the number of radical Muslims is an insignificant number?

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Why We Rarely Hear from Moderate Muslims:

Jamal Miftah, a Muslim who lives in Tulsa, wrote a column for the newspaper Tulsa World condemning Al Qaeda and calling on fellow Muslims to reject terrorism.

In return, he was kicked out of the local mosque by leaders until he apologizes for his articleā€”and threatened with violence by other members of the peaceful Islamic community of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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Of course that is why we rarely hear from moderate Muslims!

I can just see it all now in 1,000 years, IF the extremist Muslims get to take over the world.

An unfortunate starship full of friendly aliens arrive here.

The Extremist Muslims cut their heads off because they don't believe in Allah and are not Muslims!

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.

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Lipscomb University theologian Lee Camp told an interfaith gathering yesterday that in order to live peacefully with Muslims, Christians are going to have to give up the idea that thereā€™s anything special about Jesus:

    To live peacefully with Muslims and Jews, Christians must put aside the notion that their faith requires the creation of a Christian kingdom on Earth, a Lipscomb University theologian told an interfaith gathering at the university.

    ā€œWe are not going to get very far in our relationship with Jews or Muslims if we do not let go of this idea,ā€ Lipscomb professor Lee Camp said at Tuesdayā€™s conference.

    The unusual gathering of several dozen clergy and lay people was devoted to resolving religious conflict in Nashville and around the world.

    ā€œWe need to forsake the Christendom model,ā€ Camp said. ā€œThe most basic Christian commitment ... is that we say we believe in the Lordship of Jesus. But, if we claim that, how can a Muslim or Jew trust us, if we say Jesus is the Lord of all Lords?ā€

Thatā€™s very noble. Professor Camp (whom, I'm sure, is not a liberal, nope) is willing to give up core Christian beliefs in order to have a world of peace, love, and fluffy bunnies.

So what did the Islamic spokesman think of this?

    ā€œEvery religion has different teachings,ā€ he said. ā€œFor Muslims, itā€™s: Do you believe in one God and that Muhammad is his prophet? I donā€™t think we can teach individuals that the way you go to heaven in other religions is OK.ā€

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Just so everyone knows, Jews believe anyone who lives their life as a good person, Jewish or not, can go to whatever "heaven" is. You can believe in Jesus, you can believe in Muhammud, you just need to be good and you've got a shot. The righteous get rewarded no matter who they are.

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the G-man said:
Lipscomb University theologian Lee Camp told an interfaith gathering yesterday that in order to live peacefully with Muslims, Christians are going to have to give up the idea that thereā€™s anything special about Jesus:

    To live peacefully with Muslims and Jews, Christians must put aside the notion that their faith requires the creation of a Christian kingdom on Earth, a Lipscomb University theologian told an interfaith gathering at the university.

    ā€œWe are not going to get very far in our relationship with Jews or Muslims if we do not let go of this idea,ā€ Lipscomb professor Lee Camp said at Tuesdayā€™s conference.

    The unusual gathering of several dozen clergy and lay people was devoted to resolving religious conflict in Nashville and around the world.

    ā€œWe need to forsake the Christendom model,ā€ Camp said. ā€œThe most basic Christian commitment ... is that we say we believe in the Lordship of Jesus. But, if we claim that, how can a Muslim or Jew trust us, if we say Jesus is the Lord of all Lords?ā€

Thatā€™s very noble. Professor Camp (whom, I'm sure, is not a liberal, nope) is willing to give up core Christian beliefs in order to have a world of peace, love, and fluffy bunnies.

So what did the Islamic spokesman think of this?

    ā€œEvery religion has different teachings,ā€ he said. ā€œFor Muslims, itā€™s: Do you believe in one God and that Muhammad is his prophet? I donā€™t think we can teach individuals that the way you go to heaven in other religions is OK.ā€

Actually, the latter individual makes more sense than the former. His consistency is more admirable than Camp's Unitarian disposition.

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Hereā€™s a very interesting piece in Saudi Arabiaā€™s English-language mouthpiece, ArabNews, about Mohammedā€™s history as a warrior:

    Islam is a religion of peace, which prefers to live with all communities in an atmosphere of mutual respect and true understanding. However, Islam does not shrink from fighting a war imposed on it by its enemies.

The interesting part isnā€™t the long discourse on Mohammedā€™s great wisdom and prowess in battle, itā€™s the last paragraph, which concludes with an offhand admission that Mohammed ordered slave girls murdered for no other crime than verbally mocking him:

    Abdullah ibn Khatal used to be a Muslim. The Prophet once sent him to collect zakah from people who lived far away. He traveled with another man and a servant of his who was a Muslim. At one stage on the way they stopped. He gave the servant orders to slaughter a big goat and prepare food for him while he himself went to sleep. When he woke up, he discovered that the servant had not done anything. He killed his servant and, fearing the Prophetā€™s punishment, reverted to idolatry. He also had two slave girls who used to sing for him and for his companions songs full of abuse of the Prophet. The Prophetā€™s instructions specified that the two slave girls should also be killed. The man was killed as he was actually holding on to the coverings of the Kaaba. Abu Barzah Al-Aslami and Saeed ibn Hurayth Al-Makhzumi killed him along with one of his slave girls. The other managed to flee until someone sought a special pardon for her from the Prophet, which he granted.

This is held up as a model for "peaceful" Muslim behavior, and itā€™s clear from the context that the author doesnā€™t even recognize heā€™s describing sheer savagery.

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Yeaaahhhh, we cannot exist all. Unless, of course, we convert to islam. We may as well accept the fact that we have to bomb middle-eastern and southern Asian muslims into the stoneage..moderate or not.

We will have a nuclear and/or biological exchange minimum.

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That isn't much different then some parts of the old testament though.

Fair play!
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In what way? Enslavement? Persecution? The jews weren't perfect, but they were oppressed a bunch.

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Pig Iron said:
Yeaaahhhh, we cannot exist all. Unless, of course, we convert to islam. We may as well accept the fact that we have to bomb middle-eastern and southern Asian muslims into the stoneage..moderate or not.

We will have a nuclear and/or biological exchange minimum.

The region considered most likely place on earth for thermonuclear war is between Muslim Pakistan and neighboring India. And has been since the early 70's when both acquired nuclear missile capability.

They had the equivalent of a Cuban Missile Crisis in 2002, and came very close to all-out war.

Your comments are close to what I said about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the inevitability of Israel at some point, out of self-preservation, will have to turn its muslim neighbors into molten glass.

That can be spun as warmongering or fanatic, or it can be honestly viewed as the cold hard truth that it is.

Western civilizations have a right to defend themselves from the murderous barbarians massing at the gate.

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Brad Lee said:
Just so everyone knows, Jews believe anyone who lives their life as a good person, Jewish or not, can go to whatever "heaven" is. You can believe in Jesus, you can believe in Muhammud, you just need to be good and you've got a shot. The righteous get rewarded no matter who they are.

I love the Righteous Brothers. I guess God does too.

    Unchained Melody
    by Gareth Gates, performed by the Righteous Brothers

    Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea
    To the open arms of the sea
    Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me, wait for me
    I'll be coming home, wait for me

    Oh, my love, my darling
    I've hungered for your touch
    A long, lonely time
    And time goes by so slowly
    And time can do so much
    Are you still mine?

    I need your love,
    I oh I need your love
    God speed your love to me

    Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea
    To the open arms of the sea
    Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me, wait for me
    I'll be coming home, wait for me

    Oh, my love, my darling
    I've hungered, hungered for your touch
    A long, lonely time
    And time goes by so slowly
    And time can do so much
    Are you still mine?

    I need your love,
    I oh I need your love
    God speed your love to me

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Wonder Boy said:
Western civilizations have a right to defend themselves from the murderous barbarians massing at the gate.

But as many of us are to some degree descended from either the Britons or the Germanic tribes that pwn3d Rome, doesn't that mean that once upon a time we were the barbarians massing at the gate?

Technically, we're all barbarians except for Peejus and reax. If you wanna go on the original definition of the word and such.

But I still agree that a nuclear fireball would be a helluva way to resolve the Middle East conundrum. Fucked up on innumerable levels, but rather pretty to watch from a v-e-r-y long ways away!


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Captain Sammitch said:

Wonder Boy said:
Western civilizations have a right to defend themselves from the murderous barbarians massing at the gate.

But as many of us are to some degree descended from either the Britons or the Germanic tribes that pwn3d Rome, doesn't that mean that once upon a time we were the barbarians massing at the gate?

Technically, we're all barbarians except for Peejus and reax. If you wanna go on the original definition of the word and such.

But I still agree that a nuclear fireball would be a helluva way to resolve the Middle East conundrum. Fucked up on innumerable levels, but rather pretty to watch from a v-e-r-y long ways away!

Okay, touche, you make a good point.

After 1000 years or so of barbarism, we (Europeans, Germanics, Scandinavians, Slavs, Gauls, and others who were either occupied or outside of the Greek and Roman empires) had the Renaissance and the Enlightenment after a long period of bloody barbarism.

And perhaps, if we disappear, those who replace us will go through a period of barbarism and eventually rise civilization to new heights as we did.

Or perhaps this is as good as it gets, and with no "New World" left to discover, there is nowhere to escape the brutal social system that will replace Western democracy.

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Pig Iron said:
In what way? Enslavement? Persecution? The jews weren't perfect, but they were oppressed a bunch.

I was thinking about the times God did stuff like the great flood or Soddam & Gomorah in reference to G-man's post about the slave girls being sentenced to death for no good reason.

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Matter-eater Man said:
That isn't much different then some parts of the old testament though.

Okay.... but what modern Jewish scholar or publication is saying they should continue to treat women in exactly the same way they were treated 5000 years ago?

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Matter-eater Man said:

Pig Iron said:
In what way? Enslavement? Persecution? The jews weren't perfect, but they were oppressed a bunch.

I was thinking about the times God did stuff like the great flood or Soddam & Gomorah in reference to G-man's post about the slave girls being sentenced to death for no good reason.

Notice that God did those things Himself. It's not like anyone was about to go up to Him and say, "y'know, are you sure we shouldn't give those guys another chance?" Big difference between divine wrath and "the" "prophet" not being able to take a little criticism.


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the G-man said:

Matter-eater Man said:
That isn't much different then some parts of the old testament though.

Okay.... but what modern Jewish scholar or publication is saying they should continue to treat women in exactly the same way they were treated 5000 years ago?

I didn't see where the guy was saying that women should be treated exactly like they were 5000 years ago. It just seemed similar to sermons that relied heavily on stories like Sodam & Gomorah or Noah's ark that may be used in a more fundamental setting (whatever branch of God).

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Captain Sammitch said:

Matter-eater Man said:

Pig Iron said:
In what way? Enslavement? Persecution? The jews weren't perfect, but they were oppressed a bunch.

I was thinking about the times God did stuff like the great flood or Soddam & Gomorah in reference to G-man's post about the slave girls being sentenced to death for no good reason.

Notice that God did those things Himself. It's not like anyone was about to go up to Him and say, "y'know, are you sure we shouldn't give those guys another chance?" Big difference between divine wrath and "the" "prophet" not being able to take a little criticism.

Actually Lott did try to get God to spare the doomed. If I remember correctly Lott keeps bargaining up as to how many would be spared. I do see your point that there is a difference between God & some prophet though. Although I guess I expect more mercy from God then a fellow imperfect sinner.

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Trent did that???

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Matter-eater Man said:
I didn't see where the guy was saying that women should be treated exactly like they were 5000 years ago.


Matter-eater Man said:
I was thinking about the times God did stuff like the great flood or Soddam & Gomorah in reference to G-man's post about the slave girls being sentenced to death for no good reason.

In this case, I think guilt by association is pretty fair. That is to say, if thinking about one thing makes you think about another, then perhaps both are in the same league according to you.


Matter-eater Man said:
Actually Lott did try to get God to spare the doomed. If I remember correctly Lott keeps bargaining up as to how many would be spared.

Lot Asked God if he and his family were truly the only ones who were actually good people within those cities. God then said that if his type of person was ten times greater within the cities, he would not destroy them. That has nothing to do with "bargaining" or "sparing the doomed."

Pariah #454016 2007-01-06 11:48 PM
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Ooops sorry for the spelling errors.

Here's the part of Genesis 18 I was talking about...

22Ā  Ā¶ And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.

23Ā  And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

24Ā  Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

25Ā  That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked; and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

26Ā  And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.

27Ā  And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:

28Ā  Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.

29Ā  And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake.

30Ā  And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.

31Ā  And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake.

32Ā  And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.

33Ā  And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.

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Abraham 'bargained', which was really God's way of showing how merciful He really was. And showing that He couldn't even find ten reasonably well-behaved people in the place. Still, a totally different situation, as is any attempt to apply human logic to the divine. And don't let the Muslims hear you talk about Muhammad that way.


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Oh right. Abraham, not Lot.

Anyway, how is this characterized as "bargaining" exactly?

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"Bargaining" was a poor choice on my part. I do think that part of Genesis does show Abraham trying to get those towns spared in his conversation with God.

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Matter-eater Man said:
"Bargaining" was a poor choice on my part. I do think that part of Genesis does show Abraham trying to get those towns spared in his conversation with God.

Whether the word choice is "bargaining", "negotiating", "appealing" to God, or another word-choice, your point is clear and well made, MEM.
That God ordered the destruction of whole cities, or in the case of the Canaanites, the destruction of an entire civilization (A Canaan civilization which was deeply entrenched in evil for generations, including the occult, human sacrifices and the drinking of human blood. And similarly, Sodom and Gommorah).

On a minor point, it was Abraham (not Lot) who appealed to God to spare Sodom and Gommorah. God began offering that if there were 50 righteous people in the city, he would spare it from destruction. Abraham appealed repeatedly, and God in his mercy said that if there were even only 10 righteous there, he would spare the city.
As it turned out, there were not even 10, and God sent two angels, appearing as men, went into Sodom and safely brought out Lot and his wife and daughters before Sodom's destruction.

So yes, God ordered the destruction of cities full of people in the Old Testament.

But... not without benign purpose, and the desire of God to stay his hand, if the civilization marked for destruction would only turn from evil.
God only ordered destruction of cities and civilizations, after generations of their not turning from evil.

It was not extermination born of hate, or lack of ability for these people to prevent their own destruction.

It was God reluctantly destroying those he created, with a desire at every point to give foregiveness and spare even the most evil individuals, if they turned from evil.

Even the most prominent figures in the Bible, such as Moses, Jacob, Job, David, Jonah, Mary Magdalin, the apostle Paul, and the apostle Peter, for example, were clearly described in the Bible as flawed and guilty of sinful acts.
But they served God, and later saw the wisdom of obeying God.

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