
Rob Kamphausen said:
i am totally baffled by this.

i mean... holy fuck... 1%!! in any other poll, that'd be statistically insignificant!

8% of computer users are on a mac. 30 million (10 plus %) have severe hearing loss. fuck, according to this site there are 5 times more blind people in the country than jewish people ... so maybe we shouldn't have any holiday decorations, because its unfair to them??

now, im not suggesting for one minute that we cancel hanukkah, or that we consider jewish people insignificant, or any other such jumped-to conclusion.

i just find these stats amazing -- shocking, even.

but, its interesting to note that any other poll that would result in a category being receiving less than 5% of the vote, let alone less than 2%, would basically result in that category being excluded or ignored.

Jews are not the ones causing a commotion about Christmas.....in fact most of them love it.

It's the atheists and the scumbag fuckface arabs.