
Darknight613 said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
"don't put a christmas tree in there, cuz many of our fans are jewish."

As I stated on the other thread, I don't know why people assume we're bothered by Christmas. We're not. As long as nobody's trying to force us to convert, or trash our religion, we don't care what the rest of you get up to (and feel free to tell this to your boss).

Besides, the whole point of Hannukah is that a foreign power tried to suporess our religion and deny us the right to practice it, in order to force us to convert and be like them (it's one of our many "they tried to destroy us, we survivied, let's eat" holidays.) So we are not going to go around pulling that on other people.

I also never cease to be amused regarding how much Christmas/Easter/Halloween candy is kosher certified.


Jesus celebrated Hannukah. Most of the early Church celebrated it, as there wasn't yet such a forced separation between them and their Jewish heritage. The proximity of Saturnalia to Hannukah was one of the factors in its Christmasization™ (hah! new one!). I think the two holidays are pretty intertwined, and as such should both receive at least a respectful amount of representation.


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