If I were running that Mickey D's franchise, I'd have the sign say "Merry Christmas" and leave it at that.

Do I, a non-Christian, find "Jesus is the reason for the season" offensive? No, not offensive. It wouldn't make me not patronize that franchise. But the sign is too preachy, IMHO. Let's just say at my business I would not condone putting that phrase up on a sign or marquee. I would put "Merry Christmas," but I'd leave it at that. Let people get a religious message about the holiday in church.

And please, don't tell me "We only have Christmas because of Christ. It HAS to be a religious, Christian holiday." No, it doesn't. Our culture in the United States has molded Christmas into a time for family togetherness, sharing memories, the spirit of giving (both internal and external to one's family). Religious or spiritual messages like Yule or the birth of Jesus are not a mandated aspect of Christmas in America.

Last edited by Jim Jackson; 2005-12-15 2:33 PM.

We all wear a green carnation.