
wannabuyamonkey said:

And please, don't tell me "We only have Christmas because of Christ.

You're absolutely right, CHRISTmas has little or nothing to do with CHRIST. Infact I'm sure we'd have CHRISTmas even if there was no CHRIST. I think the reason we have CHRISTmas is because of some guy named Steve. CHRISTmas is latin for "Steve's Mass" It wasn't untill the 50s when people were putting God in the pledge and on our money that someone niticed that coincidently the Latin word for Steve sounded like the religious term Christ.

The name is not the issue. Obviously Christmas was named with Christ as the reason.
But several religions have a holiday season during that time. In fact Christmas was placed there-not due to Christ's birth which they didn't know exactly-to accomodate the Pagan's Winter Solstice.

Bow ties are coool.