
Matter-eater Man said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

Wednesday said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
Everything was perfectly legal...

What he's doing now isn't legal. He should be investigated.

Really? What is he doing that illegal, exactly?

From what I've read Bush is skipping using a Judge to approve his wiretapping. And I haven't seen a good reason for him not using the FISA law that would allow him to wiretap first & then get a judge to OK it after. The fact that his lawyers (that he picks) thinks it's OK doesn't make it Constitutional.

So he's breaking the law because you don't see any reason for him doing what he did? If you acctually read the article that was released in the NY times and bypass the sensational headline you'll note that even they concede that he did nothing illegal AND the same article points out several plots that were fioled as a result of the strategy. Also the reason teh Bush admin asked them to delay the story was because the strategy was working asnd the teh longer they could keep that information from teh terrorists the more effective it would be, but in the end we goota do what's right, because people got books that need sellin'.

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