
wannabuyamonkey said:
Yea, forget about terrorists, lets get Bush instead.

Ben Stein notes:

    Does anyone remember 9/11 any longer? Innocent men and women being burned to death? Temperatures so cruel that grown men and women held hands and leapt to their deaths from the high floors of the World Trade Center? Children crushed in the lower floors? Planeloads of totally guiltless men and women and children crashed to death? The worst terrorist act of all time? In case Chuck Schumer forgot, it was a big thing in his home state.

    Of course Bush would want to do everything he could to investigate the doings of possible terrorists in America and right away, too.

    Of course he would want to use every resource, including the NSA.

    And of course, he alerted key members of Congress, none of whom protested.

    It was a major, big time emergency. Why is it even a question of Presidential power? It was and is a question of protecting the nation.

    Obviously, if he had gone public with it right away, it would have alerted the terrorists to stay off the phone.

    Maybe he should have gone to a court. Or maybe he realized it was a life and death matter for immediate action.

    In any event, Bush's main goal has been to save the nation. Why doesn't he get some credit for that?

    The enemies are the Al Qaeda and Zarqawi, not Bush. When you cripple the Commander in Chief, you are doing the bidding, unintentionally, I am sure, of some people who will not hesitate to cut your heads off. Keep it in mind. Let's get behind the man who is trying to save us, and when we're behind him, let's not stab him in the back.