
Matter-eater Man said:
So you can't rebut the points they make?

I've posted, and continue to post, articles, including articles written by attorneys, that rebut your entire premise. The fact that you're now reduced to citing an admitted liar and partisan, with no legal background whatsoever, would tend to demonstrate that no further rebuttal is necessary.

You'll note that I don't cite, for example, Michael Savage to rebut some liberal argument.


Matter-eater Man said:
For those that are for the President being able to wiretap without a judge, will you keep the same position if say Hillary Clinton became President in 2008?

As noted above, Bill Clinton did this too and there was very little outcry at the time.

If Hillary follows the law and uses the law to go after terrorists (as opposed to harassing political opponents), I don't see a problem with it.