
Matter-eater Man said:

wannabuyamonkey said:
I'm currious, you have such a strong opinion on this I can only assume you're well versed on teh subject. I seem to have forggotten the criteria that was used to select teh wire taps, could you please remind me.

From your post's I took it that you too have a strong opinion yourself. And you should, everybody should. We're talking about a fundamental shift in power for our elected leader that won't end after this President's final term is over. For the government to listen in on American citizens a judge was required. If there was no time to get one the government could start one & get a judge to OK it later. Last year Bush even stated that they still needed to do that for wiretaps. Obviously that wasn't true. As it stands now he's wiretapping without a judge involved at all & informed a couple members of congress that this was being done. Those that he told couldn't do anything about it one way or the other because of secrecy rules. There is no oversight beyond what the White House decides to give on this wiretapping. If this is left "as is" eventually a President is going to abuse that power. Congress needs to fix this, so that what needs to be done gets done but in a way that doesn't cut off the other branches of government. I'm not looking for them to impeach Bush but just to set things right.

So what is your take on all this?

Oh... so you DON'T know. Well, I decided to look into it myslef and I learned that the 500 US residents that were listened to were people who recieved calls from suspected terrorists or those linked with terrorist activities from overseas. This is strannge because onteh local news they said "The president says it's OK for teh government to spy on YOU" I wonder what opinion they must have of thier viewers.

Also to totally expose the motivation of some on your side of this debate. I heard on ABC news today that the new controvercy is that teh US government as taken radiation samples from places NEAR (not in) mosques and buisinesses and homes suspected of having terrorist ties to make sure they don't have nukes stashed. Alot of the same civil libertarians are saying this is a violation of civil liberties. I didn't realise the right to house nukes was a civil liberty.

Let me ask you, does the fact that THIS information was leaked to the press make your blood boil? Are you as much or more angered by the fact that information has been leaked that will endanget the goernments ability to know if there are terrorists with nuclear suitcases hiding out as you were that a desk jocky from the CIA whome everyone in the press allready knew was an agent had her name leaked?

For all your side's postring and sermons about slippery slopes, thier true motivations are exposed here. We are on a slippery slope, but it isn't that the Government is taking away people's civil liberties it's that the left is, for political advancement, hindering the governments ability to protect teh civil liberties of it's citicens, not least among those is life it's self.

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