
"This last-minute change would have given the president broad authority to exercise expansive powers not just overseas -- where we all understood he wanted authority to act -- but right here in the United States, potentially against American citizens," Daschle wrote.

The Democratic leadership has to be the worst historical revisionist still received by polite society. Either that or they have been truly clueless about the nature of the war on Islamofascist terror since its start.

Daschle actually makes a case for both in his essay.

Perhaps Daschle didn't notice, but the entire reason that Congress passed the war resolution was that the United States got attacked--inside the United States. It's as if that context never occurs to Daschle.

It's also worth noting that many Democrats are arguing that we shouldn't be fighting al Qaeda in Iraq either.

So, if the Democrats don't want us to fight the Al Queda in the Middle East...or in the US...where do they expect us to battle the terrorists?

You'd almost think the Democrats were "calling for surrender..."