Despite your claims that the matter needs "to be investigated," you keep telling us that what dis was "unconstitutional."

Therefore, you have obviously made up your mind it is illegal and should be stopped. Any "investigation" must, therefore, in your mind be for the sole purpose of publicizing the matter further and/or punishing the president for what he did. Both goals would have the effect of preventing this from happening again.

As you may know, the purpose of a covert intelligence operation is that it's a secret. It's kept secret so it can be used against the enemy. Once it's no longer a secret, its effectiveness is reduced to nil.

You, on behalf of your party, on arguing that we should have highly publicized show hearings at which every aspect of this covert operation is dissected and provided to the media and public. Some of that public will most likely be current or potential terrorist operatives.

In addition, it should be noted that you have argued that, if the legalities are ambiguous, that in itself requires a public investigation. You are attempting to establish a precedent that any president who engages in a covert act where the law is ambiguous faces a public investigation of that covert act. That precedent will, by its nature, have a chilling effect on the efforts of future presidents to defend the nation.

As such, despite your protests to the contrary, you are, in fact, trying to prevent this president, and future presidents, from wiretapping suspected enemy combatants who may be plotting further attacks.