Wednesday used to add alot, but I don't think I've seen anything substanitive from him in quite some time.

And please don't bother Jim with teh substance of my post, clearly it's not something he wants to adress. It could be he has no acctuall argument against it save to mischaracterose it by leaving out that wich doesn't support his characterization. YOU know that if I were to say to someone "You're a communist" that would be nothing more than name calling, but if I were to say "You're a communist because you ascribe to the teachings of Marx and Lennin" then even if you were to still try and label that name calling, at least it would be accurate. Much of the left has demonstrably done things that I believe has enabled the terrorists, but instead of defending thier acctions they say it's wrong to question the further implications and unless you describe thier every acction as the highest form of patriotism, they simply won't engage you in conversation. Fortunately, while I agknolledge that having these conversations with liberals is frusterating I can take comfort in knowing that other people are listening to the national debate as well. Hopefully in elections to come there will simply be less liberals to worry about.

Although the worst case scenareo is just that. We know now that if it weren't for Gorrelic wall 9-11 could have been prevented. While it's not entirely fair to blame her because of hidsight we can deffinately question those who even with the bennifit of hindsight want to resurrect the wall, then well, I think there's a cause for finger pointing. Speaking of finger pointing, you'll notice that while teh left's primary complaint is that Bush is doing TOO MUCH to prevent terrorism, JJ has allready poined a pre-emtive finger at Bush saying that future attacks, (wich JJ seems to be expecting now) will happen on Bush's watch and that it would be wrong to even insinuate that the lefts coddling of "Musilm freedom fighters" could be to blame (lets not forget that it was specifically "Red States" that were last threatened so they're not allone in thier hatred for Bush.

I'm not really interested in JJ's response because I know what it will be*, but fortunately a debate usually has more that 2 participants. There are those engaged in teh discussion and the audience. It's for the latter that I even bother to enter the frey anymore.


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