There was the "prominent" John Kerry, explaining his position on the "scandal" over the Bush administration's allegedly spying on al Qaeda on ABC this weekend:

    Sen. John F. Kerry is calling President Bush's warrantless wiretaps "a clear violation of the law." . . .

    Although Kerry did not go as far as to agree with former Vice President Al Gore's belief that the wiretaps may constitute an "impeachable offense," Kerry called for a special counsel and independent investigation.

But wait! There's more:

    Kerry, who endorsed former Vice President Al Gore's call for an independent investigation of the Bush program, said on ABC's "This Week" that some Republicans like Bush adviser Karl Rove are trying to equate Democratic opposition to warrantless spying as weakness.

    "What he's (Rove) trying to pretend is somehow Democrats don't want to eavesdrop appropriately to protect the country. That's a lie," Kerry said. "We're prepared to eavesdrop wherever and whenever necessary in order to make America safer."

So he's for spying! Er, hang on a second! Here's there's still more:

    Kerry yesterday called the National Security Agency's program to eavesdrop on terror suspects illegal, but he said he will continue to support its funding.

OK, so he's on both sides of the question whether America should spy on al Qaeda, but he's definitely in favor of funding spying on al Qaeda.

Or is he? Remember that after opposing the Iraq war after favoring it, he voted for the $87 billion before voting against it.