So you're saying Bin-Laden acctually likes Bush and wants him re-elected? So much so that even though he feels his ideals are so important that he's willing to kill for them, he would lie about those ideals in order to get Bush re-elected so that he can continue to agressively prosecute the war on terror. I'll bet Saddam wants Bush to be re-elected too. That's why he's acting like a loon and him and his lawer are are also parroting lefty talking points. Saddam is probobly glad that he's been releaved of the stress of running a country and wants to reward Bush by getting him re-elected. I'd ask you if you've really examined what it is you're claiming, but then I realised the mind must have to develope some radical coping mechainism to deal with the possibility that you and Ossoma are on teh same side of some of these issues*.

*Because I know liberals are sensitive, I should point out that I simply said you're on teh same side of the issue, not that you support the methods.

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