Yeah, but post-Waters Floyd really, really, sucked.

Let me ask a serious question, however: at this point, the question of the legality of Bush's actions is (for him), at worst, murky and, perhaps, settled in his favor (see earlier posts).

There are already lawsuits challenging the program. I am willing to concede that said lawsuits may result in rulings adverse to the Bush administration. But, of course, the opposite is also true. In any event, the matter could likely end up in the US Supreme Court.

If, in fact, the Supreme Court ultimately decides the program is illegal, wouldn't that be the time for them to censure Bush? Prior to that, isn't the left being premature?

Simiilarly, if the left succeeds in getting a censure vote and the Supreme Court ultimately upholds Bush's position, won't that make the democrats look like blind, ingorant, partisans?

As noted in the article, Frist is not the only one convinced the Democrats don't have the votes. Minority leader Harry Reid, also a Democrat, is also convinced. That's why he's so worried.