That article from 1996 MEM posted is a good example of the differences between how Republicans and Democrats operate. Unfortunately, for MEM, the demonstrated differences don't serve his side well.

In 1996, Clinton asked for various changes to the anti-terrorism laws. According to the article, a number of Republican Senators met with Clinton, expressed concerns, made changes, consulted with Clinton on those changes and, ultimately, congress compromised with a sitting president of a different party.

There's noting in the article that indicated the republicans accused Clinton of trying to usurp the constitution, violating civil liberties, etc.

Furthermore, for most the thread, MEM has been trying to tell us that Bush's wiretapping was unconstitutional and wrong. Now he's trying to tell us that its all the Republicans fault it isn't legal because they wouldn't let Clinton do it.

If it was unconstitutional under Bush (a point I don't concede), it would have been unconstitutional under Clinton (also a point I don't concede). A statute can't override the Constitution.

In addition, if MEM believes, as he's tried to tell us in the past, that wiretapping would be wrong then it should be just as wrong under a democrat as under a republican.

The implication, however, is that MEM (once again) only thinks something wrong if a Republican does it.