
the G-man said:
What you cited is nothing more than Chuck Schumer's opinion, given during a speech.

His opinion at the time the Republicans compromised away wiretaps in Clinton's anti-terrorism bill. I have some more that I'll be posting from other Dems.


the G-man said:Furthermore, as noted above:


the G-man said:...for most the thread, MEM has been trying to tell us that Bush's wiretapping was unconstitutional and wrong. Now he's trying to tell us that its all the Republicans fault it isn't legal because they wouldn't let Clinton do it.

Face it G-man, it was the Republicans fault. They stripped it out of the anti-terrorism bill in the House. It's a matter of record.

If it was unconstitutional under Bush (a point I don't concede), it would have been unconstitutional under Clinton (also a point I don't concede). A statute can't override the Constitution.

Bush just doing the wiretapping isn't the same thing as Clinton having it provided to him through a bill passed by congress.


the G-man said:In addition, if MEM believes, as he's tried to tell us in the past, that wiretapping would be wrong then it should be just as wrong under a democrat as under a republican.

pg2 this thread

Matter-eater Man said:
I don't think anyone here is making the arguement that wiretapping suspected terrorist isn't a bad thing or trying to prevent that WBAM. But up till last week I thought the President required a judge to at least retroactively OK it. And I've yet to hear any reason why to cut the judge out of the loop. Checks & balances folks.

pg3 this thread

Matter-eater Man said:
... And BTW, nobody has said the wiretapping has to stop just that judge at some point afterwards retroactively OKs it.

pg4 this thread

Matter-eater Man said:... And here I thought I was just asking Congress to do it's job & check out that the President is truly operating within the bounds of the Constitution. The wiretapping can continue while that is being done. So no government hinderment. So what is your problem with that?

pg5 this thread

Matter-eater Man said:
Not sure what your basing that on G-man. I could understand if there was a chorus of Democrats saying that the wiretapping must stop but as I understand it, that is not the case. There is a call to investigate the wiretapping that some Republicans in congress have joined with many Democrats. ...

pg6 this thread

Matter-eater Man said:
G-man, you & the other boys are lacking merit in your argument. Where are all the Dem Congressmen that are saying the wiretaps must be stopped? It appears to be zero, leaving you with just an empty partisan accusation.

There's more but I think thats plenty to show that your being creative with what you say I'm saying. The next time you mistate my position on this thread I'll add some more.

Last edited by Matter-eater Man; 2006-09-06 3:03 AM.

Fair play!