Well, in my second post I mentioned that "something" has awakened the lizard...


I have no problem to continue to write in this first issue, Audrey could met the MBL here, we could find a "home" for the team, there is XStream that it's still unconscious, we could have lounge time with the heroes giving some more about their background.

I talked about a "second issue" just because being the current threat "solved", it seemed to me that once the origin of Audrey was completed, we could move to a second issue. I, frankly, like a lot this quick format, that hark back to the middle days of the MBL. It allows for easy reading and reply.

The "crusade" I think is an undertone for the serie... it seems to me that carves a niche in the Vanguard Universe where our new MBL set up home and workshop, so to speak.

About the ruins, I think Gooz is just saying that the city has never recovered from the meteor fallen during the Antarctic war, told in the right way to avoid past continuity to hamper our present (just like I did with Knell's Leviathan).