
Eurostar said:
Ehy, Chewy, do you want to start this issue to focus over Audrey or do you prefer to allow her more time in the background, and have someone else start issue 2?

I'd rather not. Someone else can go ahead and start it. I would like to put one final bit at the end of the current story. If all works out well, I hope to have her joining the team sometime during the next issue.

I appreciate your patience (well... most of you) with this character. It was just a brainstorm that I wanted to try. If no one but Euro and I like her, I can scrap the whole idea. I just thought it was interesting and something worth trying. For me, the character is her journey, so to tell her backstory later would be to take something away from her character (in my mind anyway). I'm not trying to take anything away from the group writing, but am just wanting to try something different from some of the characters I've done in the past. If no one else is keen on that, I'll just take her out of the stories entirely and make give her her own story. No skin off my nose either way.

But... yeah. I hope to have her integrated soon. (And, I'm glad you enjoy the character, Euro... )