
Our current problem is two disparatous storytelling methods. The New MBL is TOO open right now, I think, too random-seeming to get folks' interest.

Meanwhile, Vanguard, while stoking interest, is too byzantine in its new story to let too much new stuff in yet (I know the rules of this sorta thing well, but without a character from the old days, I can't find an opening -- why do you think I've been villaining and subplotting?)

I think we need to tweak the New MBL a little bit to gain more interest in folks who want to rock out superheroics. Part of me is torn (as a continuity-obsessed comics nerd) over letting metas loose in the US with everything that's happened if we're in the HR/Vanguard Universe, but I'm sure we can somehow explain that.

Given the military liaisoning we've gotten from the late General Forrest in the first two stories, I could see the MBL as a governmentally-aligned group of heroes (lots of good conflict there), which could give us a base and connections pretty easily. But that's my first suggestion.