I have one big gripe about having the current Vanguard and the MBL on the same continuity, while at the same time I see a big plus in that.

My gripe is that the MBL, how we started it, was about a group of heroes in the HR/Vanguard universe; a universe that we last saw one year ago, and now it has subtle differences, explained by the off-screen year. Things have happened, and the result is that metas are not anymore outlawed.

The Vanguard Universe, instead, is outright changed. Things have not changed in the span of one year, they were different from the start.

That's why I have difficult to see how can both groups share the same universe. I know that the policy we have here (same continuity, but don't talk about it) in the end is stupid, and maybe we can adopt the policy of Vanguard (old continuity is gone, let's say whatever we want), without any problem, but somehow I am proud of old continuity, and thinking this universe is a repository of all those stories to which taking elements that anyone can go back and see how they were developed and can be used, makes it an advantage, and not a nuisance.

I see the MBL Universe as the one where Vanguard should be, if they have not been borught away.

On the other hand, if the MBL lives in the "brave new world", it is interesting because if the goal of Vanguard is to change back the Universe, there could be a final battle where MBL defend this continuity while Vanguard wants to change it back to what they knew. But his is the only advantage I see (a big one, I have to admit, but only if the MBL will still be alive at the moment of this clash).
