And my new hero I'll be using has ties to the government and military, so I'm all for us having more contacts

I like the idea that dark things are afoot in Promethean City -- you've seen the sort of people who rebuilt it, and you can just imagine how they're profitting off it through a myriad of third parties.

I think our two main goals right now remain:

1. Good stories
2. More than 2-3 people posting

As long as we don't go out and contradict continuity, I'm for not necessarily trotting it out every two posts. Although I'm fine using bits of the Hero Revolution Universe continuity on occassion for effect; whoever uses it will just need to be sure to explain it as they use it so new folks don't NEED to dig through old stories if they don't want to.

'Easter eggs' are a different matter. Forrest was fromt he old stories, but that wasn't his important distinction.

Anyway, guys, looking forward to Issue 3...