Just a heads up, I'm going to bring Quinn's inventor ally back in an early post in the next story. Might as well start to give the team some way to contact each other. Here is a refresher so you don't have to look for the post



Quinn Stevens, now fully costumed, lands on the ground in the back alleyway of a warehouse that is nested on the docks of Thunder City. He walks to a brick wall and presses one of the bricks in. Stepping back, a red light scans down his body and a doorway in the brick wall opens.

The young hero steps in the warehouse, which on the inside is a technological marvel. Gizmos and computers are all over the place, as are inventions and the like. An older man is working on a backpack shaped device. Kevin “Forge” Anderson.

“Kevin.” Quinn says, but his words are blocked by Forge’s saw hitting metal, “MR. ANDERSON?”

The balding man looks up and sees Quinn.

“Quinn!” he shuts and puts down the saw like device, “Young man, how are you?”

The older gentleman walks towards Quinn, who pulls off his mask.

“Tough day. Second mission and I was almost gutted.”

“Oh, your Dad’s gonna be worried. I should-“

“No, its ok Kevin. I’ll be fine, I got a few others watching my back”

“Yes, yes, yes, these MBL guys.”

“Yeah, that’s them.”

“You didn’t tell them your name, did you? You can’t trust just anyone!”

“No, I haven’t taken of my mask with them.”

“Good, I wouldn’t want your family or ME hunted down. Trust me, this is a dangerous game we play.”

“I know.”

“Now, why are you here? Need a laser gun? Antigravity device? Fast shoes? Bullet deflecting underwear?”

“Heh. No, none of those, but I could use a communications device. Something small and directly linked to others…”

“How many do you need?”

“Six would work”

“How about in a ring, that cool and different right?”

“Ah, yeah, I think that works.”

“I can retro build them bigger than normal so they can automatically fit to any finger size, and I can put MBL on them for you and-”

“Sounds great Forge”

“Anytime kido. Come back tomorrow, I’ll have them ready for you.”

“Thanks! Ok, back off to try and be a hero”

“Don’t get killed, or your parents will kill me!”

“Not planning on it!”

Have you ever looked into a mirror and wondered if behind it was another world, the same... but totally different?
- Reflection (2002) UTOPIAN PRODUCTIONS