
Prometheus said:
Euro, I don't think I'm reading your English correctly. My point was, I just don't want EVERYone remembering the old world. It defeats the whole purpose of this exercise. If you want to bring in Eddie, fine. But, it would serve the whole process if he had no memory of the old world. That's all. Your call...

Sure, I understand.

But, please, try to understand me.

I think to have expressed clearly that what interest me in this story is just one thing: your idea of having some previously estabilished characters taken out of their world, changed by a mysterious event and put back into a world that they don't recognize.

All the rest, I don't like: I don't like that the result of this plot is that inevitably there will be much attention to what is different from previosuly, and instead of exploring new ground there will be much attention to what is now different from before, with many revamp of old caraters/event; I fear what consequencies of convoluting continuity will bring the tying of this universe with the MBL one, as we are currently witness; I also don't like much (but ONLY for my language reason) that this is as verbose and slow advancing as the last two years of Vanguard stories.

For the reasons stated above, I wanted to stay away from this story: I felt much more at eases with the premises of the MBL: stay away from past continuity, look at the future, explore new ground, use new characters and such, what we talked a lot before Gooz started it.

But your great wingbeat, of taking estabilished characters, changing them without the permissions of the others, place them in unexpected situations, is what I ALWAYS looked for in these storytellings, and stopped to find at last from "Malvana's song".

So, I couldn't stop myself to ask you to be included. You talked about eleven who remembered, so I asked for a place among those eleven; I didn't expect to have my character put suddenly in the story, as you talked about a later introduction of the rest, but I had no9 problem with that.

When I saw that Doc introduced Eddie, I found strange a so early introduction, but the fact he talked about Edulcore as having been associated to Grissom, I took it as a clue to the fact that eddie remebered the past. At that point, I "worked out" Doc's post so that eddie had not the time to become accustomed to his new condition, because that negated the reason for which I was interested to join.

I again apologize for having misunderstood; I still find the premises of the story exceptionally brilliant, just I am sad that I can't play with such a great concept.