The "verbosity", as I implied, is a problem of just language for ME, and NOW. It takes a lot of time for me to read, and in this time of lot of work means I would post less than I would like to. But it's not a problem.

For verbosity I mean the lenght of the posts, not that they are "not fight". No one could be less interested into fight than me, and you should know.

About the past continuity, I fear it as much as you and personally I would avoid it.

About writing with and not around, if you refer to the post I did (and deleted), I swear it was a misunderstandiong od doc's writing. If you refer to the past, I have apologized for any time I wronged, while never bringing the opposite on the table.

Now, in my previous post I explained why I am interested into this story. I see you have listed Eddie among the ones who remembers.
I think a child three year old can't be aware of the world around him (aside home and parents), so I guess you can scrap him from the list.
But what interest me is that Eddie has been pulled like the other eleven from the altered reality and and has been SUDDENLY found himself grown up.
I don't know what Doc though, but what I find brilliant about his stuff is that I have to write the mind of a three year old kid into a young adult. If you give me a kid that's has been already one year in the body of an adult, the fun is lost.

So, if you concede me this, and don't consider it a lack of respect of Doc's works, but just a reallignment, I will be extremely happy to join you.

Last edited by Eurostar; 2006-03-23 10:50 PM.