
Eurostar said:
Now, in my previous post I explained why I am interested into this story. I see you have listed Eddie among the ones who remembers.
I think a child three year old can't be aware of the world around him (aside home and parents), so I guess you can scrap him from the list.
But what interest me is that Eddie has been pulled like the other eleven from the altered reality and and has been SUDDENLY found himself grown up.
I don't know what Doc though, but what I find brilliant about his stuff is that I have to write the mind of a three year old kid into a young adult. If you give me a kid that's has been already one year in the body of an adult, the fun is lost.

So, if you concede me this, and don't consider it a lack of respect of Doc's works, but just a reallignment, I will be extremely happy to join you.

Ok, let me explain what I was attempting to do with that post. Honestly, I think you've put Educore through just about everything he can go through. I also figured that Eddie was the next character you had the most emotional attachment to. He's the younger Eurostar, so to speak. As you said, how can a three year-old mind be aware of the world around him? Especially if he's on the run? To further that, how can a three year-old mind get accustomed to growing up in less than a year (my exact words in the post. Three months, five months, who knows.)? This is what I thought I left you with:

  • An Eddie left to fend for himself in a mental state where he is not capable of doing so. How can a three year-old, even in a 23 year-old's body live on his own in the world?

  • An Eddie with a problem he can't understand. Once again, I just can't imagine him being used to his body. He's grown, not all at once, in less than a year. Also, is this process finished, or ongoing? Will Eddie continue to age?

  • What powers, if any, does Eddie have?

  • Why was Educore running? What was after him? Or what was he after? Why live the life he'd put Eddie through? Was Walker after him again (or for the first time)?

  • Most important: Why is Educore dead? Who or what killed him? Was it natural? Did someone finally get to him? Could it even have been Eddie himself?

I'm sorry if that wasn't clear, but I didn't want to give a direction for the character. I thought that should have been up to you, if you wanted it. I'm willing to delete what I posted if you'd like; or you could just ignore it. You're the one writing it, it's up to you. I was just trying to give you something new with a great deal of room for you to work with, is all.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."