
Eurostar said:
Don't feel sorry, it was very good and I appreciated it, especially the fact that you took my request.

I should say that most of the points above, that for a person who wrote Vanguard but, I guess, had no interest into reading the solo things I have written lately, could seems an interesting spin, they have been somehow been touched before, and seem to come out directly from what I was writing. I know it's a coincidence, but I didn't found the astonishment I was looking, and I concentrated over the only appeal I had in it, the idea of a three year old that like all the children of that age dreams of become an adult in the matter of a night, and that "magically" it did.

The "being on the run" seems to spring out directly from the aborted Worldwalkers story (and the use of it as the past of Eddie I did in my Last days of Vanguard solo); that, too, other than the reference to Ed having been associated to Grissom, gave me the wrong impression that Eddie was one of those that remembered the past.

So, while you created a situation for you (and most of the others) new, I saw it ashaving still Ed and Eddie on the run from EnKi and Aurochs.

Sure, there was the question of how Edulcore died, but I was unable to cope with how Eddie was remembering the past and still having lived the whole year, and so I tried to rectify it without contraddiction too much. After all, what I was interested in (what astonished me of your take) was to pair Eddie with my daughter and her dream to finally being answered in her prayer to become "a grown -up".

So, I thank you anyway for your post; I ask you, also, to delete it; I am thorn between using your Eddie and another character I have talked about with Pro, but in any case, whatever character I will use, it's better if he "enters the stage" much later, without meeting the Vanguardians right now.

Well, it's gone now; so you have a clean slate to do as you please.

Honestly, I did copy many of the things you'd previously written on purpose. Though this may be a new timeline or universe or whatever you want to call it, there are obviously things that are similar. Though Montag may not be a meta, he definitely exists; and he has, according to Chewy's post, at least one three fingered hand (birth defect or tragic accident? ). I felt that the new came from the perspective and not just the circumstance. You may have done similar stories, but they were always Educore's stories told from his point of view. You'd never really gotten into Eddie's head, and I thought that would have been a fresh outlook on what's going on as well as the characters themselves.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."