Uhhh, Grimm? You may want to delete that last post. Euro PMed me back and forth, and, he's decided he's not going with Eddie or Euro. However, Nadia may be up for use. Just letting you know before it gets confusing...

CJ!! Welcome back! And there go my plans for Lykopis....

Grimm, I completely agree. Not all the eleven have to be in Vanguard. And, as we only have...what...three? spots left...I would be against ANY MORE CHARACTERS KNOWING at this time. Let's leave a little room to play with in the future, people....sheesh...

Mxy, personally, I was hoping Link would not remember. It would be nice if we had at least ONE new character in this. But, in the end, that's your call.

I haven't read Cross or I-Man's posts yet....I'll get back to you...