I wouldn't have had problem with keeping Ed and Eddie name's in your post, Grimm, I think they could have been used as peripheral characters in the "new world".

The thing about Eddie was just about him being part of the team, even if he was not one of the eleven. Eddie-in-the-adult-body would have been in any case a very peculiar character, a sort of retard superhero in reverse... not an adult with the mind of a kid, but a kid with the mind of an adult. I would have had fun in writing him... (I know how the mind of a four years old kid works... I have one at my side right now), but it would have been a burden for the others... at last is what I think. He would have been a difficult character... needing to find a father and a mother figure... being very dependant and seeking independence... needing to learn everything...

Kudos to Doc for creating him, but I don't think it would have fit.