Pro, don't diminish the power of... nose!

Butterflies and some species of birds find their way in their annual migration from Africa and Europa just by th scents they detect.

Some species of vultures find the carrior smelling them by kilometres.

Some dogs have discovered tumors in people just by the smells, are able to tell (at basic level) truth from lie by the smell, and lot of wonderful things.

Insects finds their mates by feromones, i.e. scents, by dozens of kilometres.

Doing it Mentally would be doubling Phil. Noselly (does this word exists?) it's just her own. What's the difference between using mind or nose? Just makes her down to earth, and animal like? If so, that's good. She's no immortal, and leaning on her wild side.

And can you picture her, narrowing her eyes and widening her nostrils, when she has smelled a prey?