Phil : First of all, well done on the post. You did exactly what I was hoping to see. Some serious character introspection and realism. I detected a hint of personal truth in all of that, and THAT is exactly what made it fucking work. Seriously, good job.

Now, two questions:

1.) How the hell did they get on a train, when Lyly is selling her body to some dude to buy train tickets for everyone? Did you gloss over that little setup she left? Also, why are they headed for Hamburg? Where are they going and why did they leave Lyly and Merrick behind?

2.) A personal bomb has just been dropped on Ozzy. He has found out that he is responsible for the death of his friend, and personal hero, Drake Marshall. I specifically asked in the talk thread that everyone leave Ozzy morose, quiet, and in the background of the posts until I can come along and deal with the emotional and personal repercussions. So, why is Ozzy calm, relaxed, and somewhat jovial talking to Phil? Did you gloss over that, as well?

I look forward to some explanations. Thanks.

Euro : Perfect. Absolutely perfect. I will add a post later that has Vanguard trying to catch up with Nadia and Ozzy on a train...or wherever the group is at the time. It's just for Ozzy to be able to explain to the group of his reasons, and, for them to just let him go. Thanks man. Well done.