
Chewy Walrus said:
I had posted just before you, so I didn't wanna post again...

Okay, this is the most bullshit excuse to post ever.

(This probably sounds like an attack on you, Chewy, but it's not. Everyone does it). If you wanna post, post. If you posted before and wanna give someone else their chance, well, tough. They had their chance. They're having it right now, while you're procrastinating over whether or not to post. If you're the one with the ideas and the time and the willingness to post, then bloody well post. It doesn't matter if it's your second, or third, or fourth post in a row.

Some people are going to post quite prolifically. Some only have the time to post occasionally. Neither is wrong. If you have the ability to be one of the former, then go nuts.

Thing is- I can’t spell or type. I spell so badly my spell check doesn’t even know what I was trying to spell. And I have five Eisners HAHAHAHHA!! -Brian Michael Bendis