Role call:

Quinn Stevens (young leader with silver power beams)
Hero (superstrong, superfast metahuman)
Doug (pliable shapeshifter)
Captain Midnight (rich and dumb man of mystery)
Doctor Marvelo (British gentleman of action)

Charles (X-Stream) Jenkins (cross-dimensional rider)

What went before:

• In issue 1, young hero Quinn Stevens, last depositary of the memories of the MBL, fabled interdimensional superteam, gathers a small number of metahumans to fight a giant reptilian monster menacing the twin cities of Thunder and Promethean. Victorious after a fierce battle, the group decides to stay together to fight the hidden menaces of the metropolis.

• In issue 2, a series of deaths of people close to MBL member Doug are find to be connected to the ancient cult of the Thugs, but the assault to an east-indian temple in Promethean is revealed to be a trap, created to bring a mysterious extradimensional entity into our continuum. The monster is seemingly defeated, at the cost of X-Stream being separated apprently forever several dimensions apart from our own. But the extradimensional entity Viper has find a way into our world, while the villains looking for Doug are still at large.

The Thunder Museum roof, around midnight…

Two men were standing over the tiled roof, looking at the millions of light of the two cities across the river. Even in the middle of the night the metropolis was pulsating with life. It was a beautiful sight, yet the two men, Quinn and Hero of the MBL, knew under the bright facade were hiding many horrible secrets. Secrets ready to be unveiled to create terror in the cities.

Quinn Stevens handled a small package to Hero. “A little present… an actual MBL communicator…”

The masked man took it, and putting it on his wrist, said: “Cool gizmo. How did you do it?”

“A friend of mine did. One for everyone of us.” The face of Quinn was crossed by a shadow. “I guess there will remain a spare …” he said, in a sad tone.

“I still I can’t figure what happened there in the temple, Quinn. We must find what went there. And there is just a person that could give us some answer…”

“Forrest” said Stevens, nodding. “Just we can’t go there to knock at the door of the Army Headquarter looking for him.”

“No, obviously not. He would just give us some shit, while the real reasons will remain hidden…” whispered Hero.

“Hidden like your face…” noted Quinn, a hint of reprehension in his tone.

Hero turned his masked face to Stevens. “I told you before. I have relatives to protect. I can’t risk revealing you my face, my name. For my own safety… and your own, too.

Last edited by Eurostar; 2007-07-11 1:29 PM.