Thunder Museum

Quinn lands softly on the roof of the museum, followed by Captain Midnight who is in a silver energy ball created by the black and silver clad hero. Doug swoops in behind them in the shape of a huge eagle shifting his form in midair flipping down to the roof top in his natural form and landing in a rubbery grace with his body conforming to his landing and preventing his body from harm. A moment later, the gentleman known only as Doctor Marvelo dances over the side of the building with grace and joins his partners.

Quinn: This is where it happened. Stay alert, just incase history repeats itself.

Something catches Captain Midnight’s eye and he kneels.

Midnight: Fellas. It would appear that we would have a clue. A small device with the initials of… MBL! Our initials. (turns to the others) I think we’re suspects!

Quinn hurries over to his slightly slower partner.

Quinn: I can’t believe they are still here.

Doug: What are they mate?

Quinn: Just before Hero and I were put into our comas, I had a device made so we could each communicate with each other directly. Fast and hassle free.

Marvelo: Comm. Links my good man? We used to have those in the Service.

Quinn takes three from Midnight, hands one to Doug, another to Marvelo, and attaches the third to his buckle.

Quinn: I noticed Hero has his at the hospital, but I original had another one made, for X-Stream, before, well, before what ever the hell happened to him.

Doug: It’s gone?

Marvelo: Well, it would appear that the plot has thickened?

Midnight: It has!

Quinn: Well, let’s see who has it than?

Quinn turns a little knob on the side of the Comm. Link to the sixth notch and presses the huge button down. It glows lightly in the nights sky.

Quinn: Hello?

A long moment passes and nothing happens.

Marvelo: Not so easy-

Before the Britain born hero can finish his sentence, the Museum blows up in a fireball of destruction. At the last moment, Quinn places a force-field over his friends and they are all engulfed in the flames and are sucked into the collapsing historical structure.