On the surface…

Kent Danner, chief of Thunder City Police Department, went near General Forrest, with a worried look. Looking down to the man, Forrest open his hands: “Look, Danner, I like those guys as much as you, but I can’t do otherwise. The source said the MBL would have done a terrorist attack over the Museum, and it proved right!”

Danner shook his head. “I am sure it is a misunderstanding. Someone was waiting for them to go investigate where they were attacked three months ago. But besides it, don’t ever dare to try to arrest them! It’s Police duty, not your.”

Below ground level, much below…

“Quinn, what is this?” said Doug, looking around.

“It seems like a abandoned branch of the subway…” replied the young Hero. “Something survived from the catastrophe of a few years ago.”

Marvelo went near the wall of the underground railroad with his torch, to illuminate a portion of it. The yellowish light revealed a huge, colourful picture, with strange figures and signs. “Is this typical urban design in Thunder?” asked ironically the British hero.

Quinn, amazed, was able, even if still tired from the last minute save, to make a silver gleam to shed light all over the section of the underground tunnel… all of the walls was covered with a fresco of stylized humanoid figures, some dressed with jaguar skins and green, long tailed birds feather. One figure seemed to stand from the others, a tall feline man coming out of a sort of shining portal. And, in the blue painted sky, circular shapes were drawn like flying in formation.

“Mayan facture, without doubt” said Midnight, passing his gloved hand over the picture.

General Forrest’a apartment, later…

In the windowless bathroom, the only light that illuminates the face of the general seems to come from inside the mirror.

“…That’s all, master. They disappeared in the wreckage, and we have not found any sign of them…”

A voice, seemingly coming from behind the mirror, responded: “Inefficient as ussual, Forrest. Well, I hope whatever is down there will be handled better by the MBL than from your men. On the other hand, have you obtained the blood sample of Hero?”

“…n..no… he’s… he’s invulnerable… you know… there’s no way to take anything from his body…” stuttered Forrest.

"Bad. Very bad. You need castigation, Forrest, to learn how things must be done. Prepare yourself, puny man…"

Last edited by Eurostar; 2006-08-19 11:02 AM.