The explosion of ripping realities awakes Hero from the coma. The first thing he sees is the dead, devastated body of Forrest, then his full-face mask over the bed.

He put it on, stand up, and hobbling goes to the bathroom. For an instant, he sees in the mirror the face of an old man in white lab coat, but the next instant there is only his full-face mask reflection. Perplexed, Hero lean to drink some cold water, then returns in the bed room, open the windows, takes the body of Forrest over his right shoulder and jumps to the sky.


In the cave, Marvelo is comforting the young reptilian powered young man. “How ‘ve been you down here, mate? Things have changed above ground, y’now? After the war, metas are accepted...”

Midnight snorts. “Yeah, like we are not hiding here too...”

Doug: “And while we hide maybe someone is still killing my relatives above...”

Quinn is sitting, his face hiding in his hands. “Better be here underground, than causing deaths using our powers...”

The others look at him. “What do you mean...” wonders Doug.

Quinn stands up, his fists glowing in silver energy. “If not for this, my girl would still be alive...”

“You can’t blame yourself like this, son...” starts Marvelo, but a distant rumble silences the words in his mouth...