“NO!” Quinn shouts at the top of his lungs and violently hits Marvelo’s hand off his shoulder.

Marvelo steps back taken off guard, he turns to Doug, “Did you hear that noise in the distance?”

Doug’s fist has formed into a hammer and he hits himself in the head with a force strong enough to knock him off his own feet. Once on the ground, Doug cries out “Uncle Mark was shot in the chest. Aunt Martha was shot three times!” Doug’s body melts in a very overdramatic manner, “Three times!!!”

Marvelo turns back towards Quinn who is on his knees, with tears rushing down his cheeks under his mask. He pounds the ground with a force powerful enough to crack the pavement.

“I need to hide! I’m ugly! I need to hide!” Captain Midnight screams before running past Marvelo and jumping under a stack of boxes.

“Have you all gone mad?” Marvelo askes, keeping his usual cool. He pushes his hat back on his head and looks around curious. “Something – or someone – is playing you all for fools.”

From his coat sleeve a short wound-like cane appears and Marvelo takes steps in a semi-circle and shakes the cane at a huge stack of crates and boxes, separating them and revealing two as of yet unseen figures. The first is a sexy woman in all black leather with long blond hair and a tattoo of an elephant-like man wrapped around the back of her neck to the front of her chest, and the second is a huge bald man in a black vest with his massive arms featuring dozens of tattoos from an eastern Indian style with matching tattoos in the middle of each arm featuring a six armed woman.

“Why hello dear sir and lady. I did not hear you knock. Oh wait, you didn’t. And that is just rude.”

Marvelo sends the boxes he just scattered directly at the two strangers. The brute steps forward and the boxes and crates smash over his body, busting to pieces but not ever causing him to flinch. The large man cracks his knuckles and turns toward the female, “I guess you need me after all.”

He charges at Marvelo, who side steps him and smacks him in the back of the next with his cane, not hurting him, but annoying the brute who turns back and can’t find Marvelo. The female turns and is face to face with Marvelo, “I always hate hitting a woman” he says just before knocking her out with a single swipe of his cane across the side of her head.

Quinn’s tears stop and he becomes furious. “Who can I hit?”

Marvelo points towards the brute, “He would be a good place to start.”