Back on the surface, over the top a building facing the now destroyed Thunder Museum, Hero looks at the scene. So much time has passed from the night they were there, investigating over the kidnapping...

There was a police line around the ruins of the museums... and normal dressed peoples that Hero guessed being intelligence agents... Forrest’s people...

But Forrest was now dead, as he had just thrown his corpse into the Edge River...

Time to pay a visit to the Chief of Police... for a little resume of what happened in the last months...

As the superhero fled to the sky, a black Humvee stopped next the police line. The dark window lowered, and a man in a US Army General uniform called on a man not far.

“Smith, there are any news from the scene?”

“No sir. No sign of activity...”

General Forrest frowned, and without a word, drove away.


Meanwhile, in the underground of the city, Quinn charges in a big burst of silver energy at the tall mysterious man. The man resisted for an instant at the gleaming wall of power, then he was swept up by it.

Marvelo smiled, and waving the umbrella, cheered the young Quinn.

Stevens looked back at the Englishman, no sign of joy in his face.

But the moment was enough for the tall tattooed man to stand back on his feet. Placing an hand over the wall of the gallery, the big man’s face lineaments changed under an excruciating effort... his whole body sweated madly... as the whole tunnel began to shake... and to crumble...

Quinn’s eyes widened. “Quick... here’s gonna fall down everything... Midnight... Doug... I am drained... I can't build a force field...”

The young reptile-man stepped over: “Follow me... I will bring you to safety...”

Last edited by Eurostar; 2007-04-27 2:55 PM.