
thedoctor said:
I just remembered the cheesey doppleganger episodes for both Michael and K.I.T.T. that were laughable. Apparently, even Hasselhoff hated the Garthe bit and refused to do it after the second time they used him. I just thought it'd be fun to play on those concepts and have something that is the opposite of the main characters. I'd see Garthe as more of a suit and tie, vintage wine sipping counter to Michael's cowboy and K.A.R.R. being the sleek European design compared to the K.I.T.T. American muscle car look.

Perfect! Refresh my memory....wasn't Garthe in a big super-semi at one point? I remember he and Michael went into a collison course in the desert, and the semi plowed KITT over. Or something. Am I confusing that with something else?


Prometheus said:
I picked Browder because, after having seen SG1, and currently introducing myself to Farscape, he plays the 'common man cowboy' so very, very well. He can go serious, or funny, in the span of seconds. And let's face it....Michael Knight is a character that shouldn't take himself too seriously. He's got talking car, for fucks sake.


Good choice, and I'm pissed you took it before me.

Being this is my first try with Farscape, he and Claudia Black are really selling me on the series. Browder's fucking hilarious, too...


Prometheus said:
"Devon". That's such a cool name.


Sounds kinda wimpy to me.


Prometheus said:
As for the car, I know little to nothing about car types, and their specs. I just chose the McLaren cause it's pretty, and, because I know it'll haul ass...


I still reserve the McLauren for the Batmobile.

Oh yeah! The black model, with a chrome Bat on the grill...