
Animalman said:
I like the potential of a Bargnani/Bosh frontcourt as much as the next guy, but I can't say I'm buying the Raptors as a sleeper team this year(even in the east); not when you're replacing a career year from Mike James and a dynamite young talent in Charlie Villanueva with T.J Ford. That's not to say T.J is terrible or anything. Actually, I'm as big a T.J fan as there is, from his days as a Longhorn. Still, it's a huge drop in production.

Chris Bosh is a franchise player and is really the third best player from the '04 draft(not Carmelo), but for now it's still pretty meager after him.

Mike James might have had a career year, but he was a shoot first pg and a very selfish player who was just playing for a bigger payday. With T.J. Ford, Toronto gets an unselfish player that'll feed Bosh and Bargnani and then when other teams start to compensate with double coverage, T.J. can convert on his own.

Add that to the points that Fred Jones will put up and the points that Morris Peterson will comtribute off the bench, I think the void left by Mike James won't be as noticable.

And after watching Mike James for a whole season, I can tell you that it won't be long until Kevin Garnett complains to coaches about not getting enough touches.

JLA for MO....oh....

999,999 Points, Sucka!