
jafabian said:
He's moving Mike Dunleavy to PG on the logic that since he can't rebound he may as well play a position where he isn't required to.

Nelly has always, always loved two things:

1.Tall white guys that can shoot

2.Big point guards

The only problem is, Dunleavy isn't nearly as good a shooter as people seem to think, and while he's a good passer for his size, the key words there are for his size.

Knutreturns should worry less about Nelly, and worry a whole lot more about Chrus Mullin, who in the span of a year gave $123 million to the trio of Derek Fisher, Adonal Foyle, and, most recently, Dunleavy.

That's a figure that would make Isiah Thomas blush.


Brad Lee said:
Does anyone here like the way technical fouls are being called this year?

It's pretty stupid...by the end of the year I expect Rasheed to be so angry his brains actually leak out of the spot on his head.

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.