
Wednesday said:

wannabuyamonkey said:

Wednesday said:
I don't think he does.

But I think it's quite sad and pathetic that Republicans like yourself are working so hard to cash in on it.

That's the best you got?

The lol smiley. Second only to the rolling eyes. I would ask if it's all you've got, but it's just so darn insightful.

And no, that's not all I got. But, hey, if it's going to be about his middle name, "sad and pathetic" is all I'll ever need.

Thanks for your input, though.

The reason it's funny is because noone made it "about the middle name" G-Man just posted his name w/ teh middle included, but said nothing about it, then posted a long article that adressed other issues. It was you all who made a big deal about the mere use of his middle name.

Now, did G most likely include his middle name because it's ironicly embarrasing, yea, sure he did, but it's still his middle name. It's there and if including his middle name makes you all so uncomfortable, perhaps this is about more than an embarrasing name. If his middle name was Koksmoker, we'd make fun of it, but you all wouldn;t be so up in arms about it.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k