
wannabuyamonkey said:
The reason it's funny is because noone made it "about the middle name" G-Man just posted his name w/ teh middle included, but said nothing about it, then posted a long article that adressed other issues. It was you all who made a big deal about the mere use of his middle name.

Over half the original article is about the role of religion in Obama's life and the lives of his parents.


wannabuyamonkey said:
It's there and if including his middle name makes you all so uncomfortable, perhaps this is about more than an embarrasing name. If his middle name was Koksmoker, we'd make fun of it, but you all wouldn;t be so up in arms about it.

It's not about being uncomfortable, as you and G-man suppose. I know it feels good to think that we on the left are uncomfortable about Obama's name, but that's really not the case. At least, it's definitely not for me. If watching Obama has taught me anything, it's that his middle name won't be an issue for very long one way or the other.

For me, it's G-man's denial of tactics that remain incredibly obvious, something that we on the left have come to expect, that renew my attention. It doesn't make me sad or angry, though.

If anything, I take G-man's naming of this thread as proof that G-man and others like him are scared of what Obama could do in '08 if he chose to run. If the midterm elections were any indication, people like Obama and Mrs. Clinton would stand a very good chance against whoever chose to run on the other side of the aisle. An Obama/Clinton ticket or Clinton/Obama ticket would be devastating.