
the G-man said:

I don't think G-Man was being bigoted in any way against Obama by mentioning his middle name.. Was he being incindiary and inciteful...?

If, by incindiary, you mean did I want to incite discussion on the board, even if a pissed a few of the left leaning posters, off, then yes. Guilty as charged.

His middle name is part of who he is. His family background, his parents' beliefs, his beliefs, they are all part of who he is.

Does it wholly define him? Of course not. No more really than the fact Bill Clinton's middle name being "Jefferson" reminds us he's southern or George H.W. Bush's middle names being "Herbert Walker" remind us he comes from the wealthy upper crust of New England.

And, to be honest, I think its the "left" here, or a portion thereof, that finds his middle name the real threat. Why else, for example, would most of you guys scrupulously edit out of the thread title...if the not the fact that you don't want people to be reminded of it? Why else are so many of the "left" here incited by mentioning the truth about his middle name?

If that was the case, why didn't you just say so the first time I asked? Odds are this whole brouhaha over why you included the middle name might have been avoided (at least by me). By not answering and seemingly dodging the question, you made me suspicious of your motives and intentions.

Beware the advice of successful people. They do not seek company.