
Matter-eater Man said:

Wonder Boy said:

Matter-eater Man said:
I think most people would like to see more experienced candidates in this post 9/11 world but the political process still turns experience into a liability. McCain & Kerry both had their records fuel more than a couple of negative campaign ads.

Yes. And hypocritically, Kerry launched attacks on Bush's Vietnam-era service in the National Guard.

Even as Kerry simultaneously bemoaned Bush's counter-attack on Kerry's questionable Vietnam service.

You mean when all the Bush toadies made up accusations of Kerry falsifying his documented service record & he was actually defending himself? Not sure how that is hypocritical.

I seem to recall that Kerry still hasn't released everything. I think he released the files at the Pentagon, but not the ones at the National Archive.

Maybe Kerry can be Barack Hussein Obama's running mate this time. If he can keep his foot out of his mouth.