
Wonder Boy said:
The way Colin Powell was shot down by scrutiny to the point that he has consistently been shown in polls to be the presidential choice of the American public in every election since 1992, if he would only run? ( A nation that is 13% black, and 87% anti-black racists, who would oddly pick Colin Powell overwhelmingly ?)

I remember interviews where Powell explained he wasn't going to ever run because his wife didn't want him to.
That's not racism, that's Pussywhipism.


The way Clarence Thomas was obstructed from the Supreme Court? The way Thurgood Marshall was before him ? (Except they both became Justices.)

well Thomas was obstructed due to allegations (made by a black woman) of sexual harrassment.


The way Condolleeza Rice was prevented from becoming National Security Advisor, and Secretary of State ? (Except she's still there.)

Like nearly all Bush picks, she has turned out to be pretty shitty.

Remember Harriet Myers, John Bolton, and other white folks have been obstructed as well.

Bow ties are coool.